The FyreLine Zintec and Stainless Steel mounting accessories have been specifically chosen to comply with the latest requirements detailed in BS 5839-1 (Code of practice for design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings).
Section 26.2 Part F states that:
Methods of cable support should be non-combustible and such that circuit integrity will not be reduced below that afforded by the cable used, and should withstand a similar temperature and duration to that of the cable, while maintaining adequate support.
NOTE 8 In effect, this recommendation precludes the use of plastic cable clips, cable ties or trunking, where these products are the means of cable support.
NOTE 9 Experience has shown that collapse of cables, supported only by plastic cable trunking, can create a serious hazard for firefighters, who could become entangled in the cables.
Zintec mounting accessories are suitable for general indoor and outdoor use. Stainless steel mounting accessories are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and in environments where the clip may be exposed to harsh chemicals e.g. hydrocarbons or in a caustic environment.