



Aspirating smoke detection is generally considered to be a low maintenance system in applications where there is minimal dust and dirt pollution such as an office, but what about applications such as, steel work factories, livestock facilities and mines?

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The disadvantage of installing a large-bore aspirating smoke detection pipe run is the lack of flexibility in the direction. Changing the direction of a pipe run is generally done so by using either a 90 degree sweeping bend or a 45 degree bend. Flexible connectors on the other hand have the benefit of being positioned in any direction with no restriction to the air flow. They can also be useful when getting over obstacles such as a steel beam. Eurofyre are the suppliers for the following:

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Cold storage areas that are typically used to store food that is either frozen (sub-zero) or chilled are considered to be high risk when it comes to fire protection measures. The combustible nature of materials stored within refrigerated environments, combined with the very dry high-airflow, creates a significant fire risk. A fire will spread rapidly between highly packed combustible materials such as cardboard and plastic packaging, grease impregnated materials, foodstuffs and wooden pallets, therefore, the earlier a fire can be detected the better.

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