


Petrochemicals are chemical products derived from petroleum or natural gas. There are two common classes of petrochemicals; olefins (including ethylene and propylene) and aromatics (including benzene, toluene and xylene isomers). As you may expect, the production of petrochemicals such as these poses very high risk of fire.

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For many years, waste, trash and household garbage has been gathered and deposited into landfill sites. As time passes and the population increases we are left with more and more waste causing landfills to become full. As a result, waste management services, which involve assorted recycling or reuse programs, are becoming more widely used. In some countries this service includes incineration of waste where garbage is often stored in ‘Waste Bunkers’ or transfer stations before it is sent to be dealt with.

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For this month’s product of the month we would like to present to you the OSID (Open-area Smoke Imaging Detector) from Xtralis. OSID is an innovation in projected beam smoke detection technology that provides a low-cost, reliable and easy to install early warning smoke detection system.

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Typically, Aspirating Smoke Detection (or ASD) is used to protect larger areas from fire. ASD’s ability to actively draw air from large areas can help tackle the issues created by high ceilings, open spaces and smoke stratification, making it the ideal solution. However, there is a wide range of smaller applications where ASD is a more than suitable choice.

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