
DTSX Fiber Optic Sensing Cable


Key Features

  • EN 54-22 Compliant
  • Suitable for long distances
  • Flame-retardant outer jacket
  • Wide temperature range -25° to +70°C
  • 2km to 8km lengths


The DTSX Fiber Optic Sensing Cable is a distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system that uses optical fibres to measure temperature changes along its length. It operates by sending light pulses through the fibre and analysing the backscattered light, which changes according to temperature variations. This allows for continuous, real-time monitoring over long distances.

Cable Construction

DTSX Fibre Optic Sensing Cable Construction


Tech Specs

Application/InstallationFor fixed installation in cable ducts and in tubesFor flexible use as multi-patch cable in distribution systemsIdeal for pre-assembling
Mechanical CharacteristicsMin. bending radius, in use (static): 15 x outside diameterMin. bending radius, during installation (dynamic): 20 x outside diameterMax. tensile force, short term: 1000NMax. tensile force, long term: 500NMax. crush resistance, short term: 3000N/dmMax. crush resistance, long term: 1500N/dmWeight: 46kg/km
Thermal CharacteristicsTransport and storage: -25°C to +70°CInstallation: -5°C to +50°CIn use: -25°C to +70°C
Fire PerformanceFlame retardancy acc. to IE60332-1-2Smoke density acc. to to IEC61034Halogen- free acc. to IEC60754-1Acidity of combustion gases acc. to IEC60754-2Fire Class according EN13501-6 B2ca-s1a, d0, a1Circuit integrity 90 min. acc. to IEC60331-11 and -25 Max. change of attenuation3,0 dBVDE test report 241666-TL6-1Date of issue: 2018-01-15
StandardisationIEC60794-2EN50575:2014 + A1:2016No. of Declaration of Performance CDERF0000031 – V3
PackagingDisposable drumsDisposable drums

