


A construction site, also known as a building site is a, location used for building new properties or improving existing ones. Construction sites tend to differ in size and shape and contain multiple areas, therefore, choosing the best, most effective fire alarm system can be difficult.

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With the wide range of fire detection systems available on the market today, including the demand for wireless technology rising and conventional fire alarm systems becoming more and more advanced, it is important that you are aware of the best types of fire detection to help keep your building safe from fire.

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A warehouse is a large building that stores raw materials and manufactured goods ready to be distributed for sales. Warehouse buildings tend to differ in size; however, most are very large and contain multiple stories. Warehouses are used by wholesalers, transport businesses, customs, importers and manufacturers and are typically located throughout villages, towns and cities.

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A transformer is a component that reduces or increases the voltage of an alternating current. While they are very widely used in a wide range of environments such as offices, homes and factories, large scale transformers are also used in power stations to aid production and distribution of high voltage electricity by reducing energy losses during transmission.

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